Märchen über den linken vordern Kotflügel...

Alles rund um den DeLorean
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Märchen über den linken vordern Kotflügel...

Beitrag von Elvis »

...nun edlich von Barrie Wills aufgeklärt:

“I don’t think I did cover this item in the book. However, I did go to great lengths to explain how our supplier Laepple (Ireland), in Carlow in the Republic of Ireland, received significant Irish Government funding to purchase a press line to stamp all the stainless steel panels in their plant.

John Z, the Delorean and Me - Tales from an Insider (Small)There was a procedure through which panels were stamped by them (Laepple, not DeLorean!) in economical batches. The left and right fenders were stamped individually in such batches on the same press after the stamping dies were interchanged. There’s a photograph of a Laepple press line in my book to give you an impression of the size of the task.

The left fender die had been through a modification in the Laepple tool room to improve stamping efficiency and my material control team had been carefully managing stocks of panels to ensure we did not go into short supply in Dunmurry before the die was ready to go back into use. Then came the receivership. Laepple cooperated by supplying stamping panels for cash as we were unable to pay the outstanding debt. We only bought and received enough front-left fenders to build the 500 cars authorised by the receivers, leaving the stock of out of balance, with the left in short supply at liquidation.

Hence the stocks of fenders acquired by Consolidated reflected those circumstances and the situation has remained so to this day.”

Hier nochmal nachzulesen - nachdem ich ihn gefragt hatte woher er seine Märchen hat - kam das dann von Barrie - und somit ist das Mysterium nun endlich gelöst :-)

http://www.deloreandirectory.com/articl ... der-prices
