Neu ist die Seite
Hier kann man sein Fahrzeug informationstechnisch eintragen.
Es gibt mindestens eine andere Seite wo man dies ebenfalls seit Jahren schon durchführen kann;
die o.g. Seite versucht den aktuellen Stand der vorh. Fahrzeuge wiederzugeben;
diese lebt natürlich nur von der AKtivität der Owner.
Hi Sebastian Meyer,
In the past, you submitted VIN information for DMC #06577 on
We've recently put together a new project call the "DeLorean Census" which is an
ongoing project by a group of DeLorean owners who hope to find out just
how many cars have survived since 1981,
and to help the community connect with clubs and owners around the world.
We're hoping you'll re-submit your VIN information in the new format,
which has more data that can be helpful to the DeLorean community.
Since the DeLorean was first sold, the cars have moved around the globe.
They’ve been wrecked in accidents. They’ve been parted out for other DeLoreans.
They’ve melted in fires. They’ve moved to museums, and they’ve been forgotten in storage.
The purpose of the DeLorean Census is to determine what has happened to our beloved car,
and to help the DeLorean community keep track of which ones are left.
We’re asking all DeLorean Clubs, owners, and fans around the world to share
this Census call on your social media, in your newsletters, on your websites,
and during your meetings. The DeLorean Census data will always be available online,
for free, and will never be sold. Some information will be optional,
and contributors can choose to keep their contact information private.
If you have ideas on how to make this project better,
please don't hesitate to email
Thanks for your help!
Please help spread the word...
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Alternative VIN Liste von Knut Grimsrud: ... 061210.pdf , The Delorean Census - VIN List
- Sebastian_6577
- Beiträge: 2143
- Registriert: 24. Okt 2006, 19:49
- Wohnort: MG