DeLorean für Veranstaltung in Bielefeld gesucht am 09.06.2018

Alles rund um den DeLorean
Beiträge: 418
Registriert: 4. Jul 2005, 00:00
Wohnort: Buchheim

DeLorean für Veranstaltung in Bielefeld gesucht am 09.06.2018

Beitrag von adrian »

Ich habe folgende Anfrage bekommen: es ist eine Back to the Future Veranstaltung in Bielefeld. Im Offiziersheim der Catterick Barracks. Man benötigt den DeLorean nur um Bilder zu machen. Keine Fahrten.
Die Kosten werden gedeckt und Kost und Logie gestellt. Wer Interesse hat sollte sich bitte bei der am Ende angegebenen Adresse per Email oder Telefon melden. Vielleicht hat ja jemand aus der Nähe Interesse einen interessanten Abend zu erleben.
Gruß Euer Adrian

Good afternoon,

I am a serving British Army Officer serving in Germany, I believe that you spoke with a colleague of mine today with regards to the Officers Mess Summer Ball I am currently arranging which will be held in Catterick Barrracks, Bielefeld, Germany on 09 June 2018.

The theme for the evening is 'Back to the Future (hence the email). In support of this I would love to be able to get a Delorean as the backdrop to a photographs (In essence, each couple would have their picture taken with it and therefore it need not drive or be driven by us). If any of your members would be interested in helping us, we have a small budget to help and we could provide the forms to remove the VAT if it was a business. We could also of course assist with parking and accommodation.

The function in question will run from 1900 – 0100 hrs, though I would expect that the photos with a Delorean would only be from 1900 – 2200 Hrs and we could also of course provide food during the event.

Please let me know if you have anyone interested as a Delorean could really make a difference with our theme.

Maj J S Revell RLC | SO2 G4 Log Sp Sup | HQ BFG | Catterick Bks | BFPO 140 | Email DII(F): BFG-HQ-G4-Supply-SO2 |
Email Civ: | |
Tel Mil: 94881 2532 |
Tel Civ: +49 (0)521 9254 2532
