die Registrierung hat bei mir nicht hin, ich bekommen einen "Front Page Error", wenn ich den Button zum Eintragen der Informationen drücke.
Hat einer von Euch den Fehler auch schon mal gehabt ?
It appears that the pages for the DeLorean Owners Directory on
dmcnews.com are down. I don't know how long they've been that way. It
was just pointed out to me today.
When I hear these running again I'll post another message. I'd like to
put the next edition out in May so I'll need your updates!
From the book Stainless Steel Illusion and various automobile magazines we
know that a number of DeLoreans were used as press cars around March of
1981. The old DMCTalk had some photos of these cars being cleaned up about
that time.
I was in Detroit this past weekend and was able to view the archives of Zora
Arkus-Duntov (ZAD) as they related to his consulting work for DeLorean Motor
Company. Zora was at the factory to address issues with bump-stop on the
press cars and in his words "was appalled by the condition of the press
cars". He spent the rest of his time there before the media arrived making
the cars presentable.
He identified 82 items on the five cars, and handwritten notes on these cars
were in the files, along with his report to John dated March 19, 1981.
These cars were:
VIN 554 (1,215 miles on car)
VIN 558 (1,173 miles on car)
VIN 555 (mileage not recorded)
VIN 556 (mileage illegible)
VIN 557 (mileage not recorded)
558 later was assigned to Legend Industries for development, but I'm
wondering if any of these cars still around in the UK/elsewhere?
First off, VIN..570 is not and was not VIN...500 (at any time).
Research into the 500 series DeLoreans is "fluid" and changing,
based upon new information that is identified, over the years.
The information that James has identified is "new" public info,
although it has been sitting around in boxes for decades.
Since the initial posting of this information, there are some
clarifications that should be made, and these will probably be
updated on the website when (if) Chris N. ever gets any "free"
time to make additions, changes and/or any corrections.
As previously stated, VIN...500 is still most likely VIN...501
(re-VIN'ed), but it appears that the orginal VIN...500 may be
one of the Wooler-Hodec (but not VIN...510) since many of these
12xxx cars have similar characteristics as the 500 series cars.
Since VIN...501 has not been "found", it appears VIN...501 may
have been re-VIN'ed again (once repaired) to a 12xxx series car
for Wooler-Hodec conversion, but this cannot be confirmed yet.
Inspections of many of the early underbodies is still on-going.
So a clarification (or correction) can be made to some of the
previous statements, for those who wish to "qoute" PJ Grady UK.
VIN...500 had VIN swapped, so it is Production Line Car 2.
VIN...501 had VIN swapped, so it is Production Line Car 1, put
to the side, to be repaired (or re-VIN'ed) at a later date.
VIN...502 (no change), it is Production Line Car 3, and so on,
for at least the first half dozen or so production line cars.
It is also true that a number of 500 series cars were built and
completed, by hand (not on the line) prior to VIN...500, since
a few of these cars were flown to the US prior to the launch of
VIN...500 on January 21, 1981. VIN...520 was one of these cars.
Hopefully, this clarifies some of the recent speculations.
Hallo Elvis,
danke für den Tipp: die Jungs aus USA updaten gerade die Vin-Liste / Chronology,
hab gestern Shannon in Houston, per mail kontaktiert, er hat sofort geantwortet und mir zur Historie meines Delo einige Infos geben können, Erstzulassung u.s.w.
Wahnsinn, der antwortet sogar auf deutsch, klasse tip
Fritz aus ROW
Das sind vermutlich die genausten Fakten die es gibt, keine Märchen
von wieder und wieder zitierten falschen/veralteten Quellen die immer
mal wieder auftachen und sich hartnäckig halten.