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Alles rund um den DeLorean
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Interessanter Bericht

Beitrag von Elvis »

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Beitrag von cineman »

have someone the part 3 of that story? i cannot find it :(

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Ferrari 308 vs. Delo

Beitrag von Elvis »

Delorean vs. Ferrari

Posted by: "dom1172"

Well it's been almost 3 yrs since I sold my Delorean and bought a
Ferrari 308 QV. Now that I have a decent amount of time with both I
thought I'd post a couple of points about them (in no particular
order), for those that are interested:

Design (aesthetic) - I would have to say this is a tie. I like the
rear end on both cars. The Delorean appears more wide and low are the
rear (even more muscular?) but I like the front of the Ferrari more
and the side intakes.

Design (engineering) - The Ferrari is more complex mechanically with
it's dual overhead cams (on each bank), V-8, all aluminum
construction (including transmission). This can be a bad thing,
especially since they wedged the engine in and have made it very
difficult to get to most things. In body composition materials, MAN
do I miss the Delorean. Paint is a PAIN to take care of and the
Delorean was MUCH EASIER to keep clean. The only place you had to
worry about rust on the Delorean was in the frame (though my 308 is
galvanized steel, so this has not been an issue for me).

Interior - Interior on the Delorean is much more modern. A/C, stereo,
and switches generally work better. However, even though the Delorean
has a more spacious interior, it still made me feel claustrophic
having just that small toll booth window. Taking the targa top off of
the Ferrari makes it feel extremely open. Suprisingly, tall people
would be happier in the Delorean. Delorean has TONS more usable space
for storing things.

Materials used - Quality of material is generally better on the
Delorean. Interior seems to last longer. Ferrari supposedly used the
same connelly leather found on Rolls Royces but it seems to hold up
better on the Delorean, maybe because the Delorean is less open to
the sun?

Shadetree mechanic experience - Nothing I EVER experienced on the
Delorean was as tough as some of the items in the Ferrari. The engine
is mounted sideways so the rear bank of plugs is a b@#$h to get to.
The valves and belts require maintenance every 15000 miles (to get to
the front of the engine you need to take the right rear wheel off and
remove the inner lining. Don't even get me started on getting to the
alternator or A/C compressor. I did like how both have the Bosch K-
jetronic so I already had experience working on it. Delorean was easy
to work on in comparison.

Public attention - Delorean, hands down. The Ferrari has more of the
mystique attached to it but on the road, nothing beats the Delorean
for wow factor.

Cost of ownership - Delorean, the parts are mostly easy to get and
the car requires very little maintenance after the mandatory updates
are done. Both were VERY reliable for me, but the Ferrari's repair
costs are so high and that's what kills it. Doing your own work makes
it much more reasonable

Driving experience - Here's where the Delorean has nothing on the
Ferrari (I know I'll get comments on this but I think I've been very
complimentary to the Delorean). By today's accounts neither car is
fast but with most reputable sports magazines of the time putting the
Delorean at 9-10s for 0-60 (I know, I know, time and active
imaginations have crept this number down into the 7s over the past
few years but reality is what it is), the Ferrari QV (recorded at the
time in the high 6s is MUCH faster). The handling is good on the
Delorean but Phenomenal in the Ferrari plus the open top experience
make it even more fun. On a final note in the driving experience, the
rumble of that V-8 starting up and howl as it approaches 8000 RPM in

Anyway, this just my opinion that I thought some people would enjoy
getting a comparison. I still have a lot of respect for the Delorean
and genuinely miss having one. I know there will probably be a lot of
posts slamming the 308 but most negative experiences with them come
>from either people that had the early injected models (2v per
cylinder ones) or ones that have been purchased at a bargain with
deferred maintenance. With NO maintenance done to either car, the
Delorean will last much longer (In BTTF III I think Marty and Doc
would have found flakes of rusted steel, an engine/tranny, and 4 rims
if they had buried the Ferrari for 70 years).


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Registriert: 1. Jun 2007, 21:22
Wohnort: Odenwald

Beitrag von Artur_4467 »


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Beitrag von AlexRoth »

Hey, nicht schlecht! Auch sehr interessant, den "goldenen" mal fahren zu sehn...

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Registriert: 11. Dez 2005, 22:15
Wohnort: Bremen

Beitrag von JensG_4975 »

Danke für die Links. Das hatte ich bisher noch nicht gesehen.
aka Crazydoc


Beiträge: 458
Registriert: 1. Jun 2007, 21:22
Wohnort: Odenwald

Beitrag von Artur_4467 »

.....Wooooorld on Parade.....

Beiträge: 102
Registriert: 3. Jan 2005, 13:23
Wohnort: Stadthagen

Beitrag von Mike »

Gerade bei den related Links des obigen Videos entdeckt:

Crash Test 35 mph
Crash Test 40 mph

Da nützen wohl auch die Airbags(!) nichts mehr...


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Registriert: 1. Jul 2003, 20:10
Wohnort: Erfurt

Beitrag von GrandmasterA »

Bild Bild

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Wohnort: Black Forest

Beitrag von Elvis »

keine Angst Grandy,

mir egal was Leute denken wie ein Auto bei Tempo 70 auf ein
massives Hindernis aussehen muß.

Ich hoffe nur, daß ich es hier nicht wieder mit 15 Jährigen zu
tun habe....oder so denkenden....

Gruß - der böse Bumann !

Beiträge: 993
Registriert: 6. Jul 2003, 18:06
Wohnort: Wien

Beitrag von Fred_7069 »

also ich will auch keinen unfall mit einem delorean haben :lol:

Beiträge: 458
Registriert: 1. Jun 2007, 21:22
Wohnort: Odenwald

Beitrag von Artur_4467 »


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Registriert: 30. Jun 2003, 15:37
Wohnort: Black Forest

Beitrag von Elvis »

This video has been removed by the user.


Beiträge: 458
Registriert: 1. Jun 2007, 21:22
Wohnort: Odenwald

Beitrag von Artur_4467 »

Wow, eine Stunde war des Video auf Youtube und wurd dann rausgenommen :(

War ein Bericht über ein Paar Owner aus Irland, ganz interessant.

hier sieht man des video noch(Living the Delorean Dream), kann es aber nicht aufmachen

Beiträge: 458
Registriert: 1. Jun 2007, 21:22
Wohnort: Odenwald

Beitrag von Artur_4467 »

Nur zur Info, das Video is wieder online
